Workshops & Events

PNMGC works every semester to provide a workshop calendar that addresses student's needs and interests. We are proud to work with amazing collaborators such as students, ethnic centers, resource centers, UNM faculty, and other community entities to make these workshops possible. Thank you to this semester's workshop collaborators/facilitators for spending time out of your schedule to share your knowledge and services with students! If you or someone you know is interested in hosting a workshop with PNMGC, please contact our team at or find us in our office in the SUB Lobo Lair 1046. 


If you have trouble with viewing our schedule hit the button below to view the workshop schedule as a pdf.


02/14/253-4pmMeet your PairLouie's LoungePNMGC
 02/04/2512:30-1:30pm  First OrientationGrad CommmonsPNMGC 
02/06/25 12:30-1:30pm  Second Orientation Grad CommmonsPNMGC 
02/07/254:00-5:00pmThird OrientationZoomPNMGC
 02/27/256-7pmHip Hop is Resistance: The Future of AmericaSUB Ballroom BKevin Powell, AASS
02/28/251-2pmArchives for Us: The "How-To" Guide on Archival ResearchFrank Waters RoomDr.Bernadine Hernandez
03/06/251-2pm Mental Health Support


Workshop 16

03/12/25 TBA Know Your Rights!Frank Waters RoomPNMGC 
03/26/2512-1pm Fashion, Style, and AcademiaFrank Waters RoomDr. Francisco Galarte
03/27/251-2pm Graduate Student Forum El CentroEl Centro de la Raza Graduate Initiatives
04/09/25  11-12pmTurning Pain Into PoetryTBAMario Montoya
04/10/251-2pmAuthorship PracticesOrtega Reading RoomORIC
04/17/253-4pmStanding by Students of Color TBAFormer PNMGC Members
 04/21/252-3pm Jardin-Ollin: Community Garden Convivencia
Department of Chicano/a studies
05/01/2512-1pmMental Health Support
Workshop 16
05/09/254-5pm End of Semester Celebration SUB PNMGC